Welcome to the Stargate SG-1 Eve Online Website.

Stargate SG-1 is a unique corporation within the world of Eve-Online. Everyone within this corporation is at CEO level and everyone shares the responsibility of running the corp as if it was their own. We currently have 6 POS's online and active for both manufacturing and resources.

Please feel free to browse this site and see if we are what your looking for as we are currently recruiting players of all professions.

Stargate SG-1 is part of Fatal Ascension Alliance, which works closely with TEST, the NC, and form part of the Holders whom control one of the largest portions of space in Eve Online. You would be most welcome to come and visit our 0.0 space as its very helpful for those that have never been to 0.0 Sec space before.

For further information please check out the contact page.


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